police conduct & sex crimes
More sad, sobering news about police conduct with victims of sexual assault. However, this time, the story is out of the US, not Mauritius... fodder for my next post, which will be a consideration of the shortcoming involved in indicting culture when it comes to assault/rape.
According to the Tampa Tribune, a 21 year old woman was arrested after reporting her rape to the police. Why? Because she had a misdemeanor on her criminal record, dating back 4 years.
To make matters worse, the orderly on duty at the holding center refused to dispense emergency contraception to the rape victim because of her so-called religious convictions..
I wish I could say that I these events were impossible for me to fathom. However, in the end, this is just another testament to the ways in which police fail in their mandate to serve and protect women.
Note to the rape victim:
My deepest regret and sincerest apologies. If your case doesn't get heard before 2010, I volunteer to take it up for free. We can carry this all the way to the Appellate Courts.
Note to the Nurse:
Given your concern for the well-being of blastocysts, I suggest you offer your womb as a surrogate host for the undifferentiated cell mass for whom you staged an intervention.
Although science hasn't worked out all of the logistics of such a procedure, just imagine the possibilities -- a pro-life movement stripped of its most glaringly absurd propositions regarding women's rights and choice..
Thanks to angrybrownbutch for the story.
Labels: women's issues
ARGH POLICE!!! I just heard about police somewhere (I didn't catch the town's name) stopping a man for biking on the wrong side of the road, and then discovering he was undocumented and turning him over to the DHS to be deported.
Anyway. Hello! Thanks for reading my blog, and for the very kind words. I'm not at Berkeley, I'm actually at Hastings. Our inferiority complex is as big as our insanely tall residential tower.
Posted by
manoverbored |
11:17 AM